Membership Application Form Please contact us if you encounter any issues whilst completing the application form. Personal DetailsPerson With Down SyndromeMembership Type*Are You A*Please Select...ParentPerson With Down SyndromeSiblingGrandparentWhānauExtended FamilyEducation ProfessionalHealth ProfessionalEducation OrganisationHealth OrganisationFirst Name*Last Name*Email*Phone No.*OccupationFull Address*Auto-Detected RegionDetecting region...Zone 1N - NorthlandZone 1A - AucklandZone 2 - Waikato, Bay Of Plenty, TaranakiZone 3 - Wanganui, Manawatu, Gisborne, Hawkes BayZone 4 - Wellington & WairarapaZone 5 - Ashburton and all areas aboveZone 6 - All areas below AshburtonStreet Address*SuburbCity*Postcode*RegionPlease select whether you would like to be added to a particular region other than the one we have automatically determined.Do you wish to share your information with regional contact*YesNoPlease select whether you do OR do not want our office to pass this information onto your regional contact. Sharing of your details would enable you to have access to regional events, information, etc - it would not obligate you to anything.Please see our Privacy Policy for more informationAdd Individual with Down Syndrome*YesNoFirst Name*Middle NamesLast Name*Date of birth*Gender*MaleFemaleEthnicity- Select -EuropeanMaoriPasificaAsian New ZealanderMiddle EasternOtherEthnicity OtherDiagnosis Before Birth- Select -YesNoType Of Down SyndromeTrisomy 21MosaicTranslocationUnknownMultiple TypesMedical Conditions TagsADHDAnxietyAsthmaAutismCoeliacHearingHeartThyroidVisionOther Medical ConditionsOffered SupportSubmit