Canterbury Regional Information
Zone 5 Representative
Angelique van der Velden
0800 693 724 x3
[email protected]

Canterbury Down Syndrome Association
Canterbury Down Syndrome Association is a non-profit, non-government funded organisation here to support people who have Down syndrome and their families, particularly around support, advocacy and education. We have a strong membership base, and we are affiliated with the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association (NZDSA).
CDSA is all about supporting people who have Down syndrome and their families, particularly around support, advocacy and education. Our aim is to help improve the quality of life for people who have Down syndrome and who have long term health and education challenges. We work to ensure that all persons with Down syndrome are valued and contributing members of the community and are actively participating and connecting in the community.
CDSA facilitates and hosts educational and social events throughout the year for all people with Down syndrome (and their significant others) from birth onwards, providing a supportive community. We also have a bespoke Resource Library with excellent resources available on all sorts of relevant topics; for free loan.