By Abigail Knight

This year in April, I started my very first paid job at PHD Media, which is a large advertising company for TV, Radio and Internet and is located in Mount Eden.

I was asked to come in for an interview and I remember feeling quite confident meeting my employer as they were very friendly people. Mel from PolyEmp accompanied me to my interview and helped me with all the paper work. I was so excited to be starting work in my dream job. My position is an Office Assistant working for 4 hours, from 8:30am to 12:30pm, Monday to Friday, with lots of jobs to do.

Every morning, I sort out the morning mail, restock the snack cupboard and the tea, coffee and milk in the kitchen and tidy it up. As well as that I tidy the stationary room, IT cupboard and the meeting rooms. I also help out with Reception, refilling printer paper and putting away Countdown and stationary orders (my favourite job) and I water the plants every Friday. The PR team also call on me when some extra help is needed. One of my important jobs is making the appointments for the staff massages which we are very lucky to get at our work.

When I finish work on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, I walk to the Medi Strength Gym to do my exercises. It is really convenient for me because it is right next to my work.

Mum takes me to work in the mornings, on her way to work. After work I catch a train to New Market and then a bus to get home.

I love working at my job in PHD Media because I like the jobs that I do and it’s the type of work environment I like working in.

My colleagues I work with are very helpful and they always tell me I do an amazing job of keeping everything tidy and getting my tasks done. When I first started my job, I had a list of tasks that I had to work through. Now I don’t need the list of tasks, because I know what my jobs are and I get them done quickly, so I can add more jobs.

I feel like I have a new work family.