News from the NZDSA

A selection of articles, stories and updates from the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association

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New Zealand Down Syndrome Association

New Zealand Down Syndrome Association

We are the National organisation representing the Down Syndrome community in New Zealand.

Last month, together with Kindred, we launched our newest video resources: a series on employment.These videos, complement our current Employment Resources and share the stories of employers and employees and their experiences on successful inclusive hiring and employment. Follow this link to see videos and PDF downloads to help employers hire someone with Down syndrome, a career plan workbook and five individual video stories about working and resources have pan-disability relevance. P{lease share with anyone seeking information on employment ... See MoreSee Less
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The last Edition of CHAT 21 is all about employment and it included an easy read guide to Employee Rights New Zealand.CHAT 21 is free to everyone; you can read the full article Share this to anyone you think would like some more information on employment. ... See MoreSee Less
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We have been working hard to put together a fantastic Virtual Conference for 2024! An exceptional group of speakers from around the globe are ready to connect with our community. We are finalising the last few details, and we cannot wait to share the program and speakers with you next week.So save the dates this October from the 3rd to the 21st as we celebrate World Down Syndrome Month with the NZDSA Virtual Down Syndrome Conference. This year’s theme is “Assume I Can,” in alignment with DSi’s “End the Stereotypes” campaign. #wdsm24 #nzdsa #AssumeICan ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

New Zealand Down Syndrome Association
New Zealand Down Syndrome Association's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

New Zealand Down Syndrome Association
New Zealand Down Syndrome Association ... See MoreSee Less
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