Partners and Sponsors

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Our Partners and Sponsors


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We often work collaboratively with other organisations and agencies and have ongoing relationships with numerous disability-related organisations, community organisations, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and IHC.


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Our patron is Governor-General, Her Excellency The Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy.

The NZDSA is an independent incorporated society and relies on funding from our membership base and the generosity of funders and donations.

If you would like to support the NZDSA, please Contact Us

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Thanks to the following funders and sponsors who have made donations to the NZDSA this financial year:

• Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust
• Lottery Minister’s Discretionary Fund
• NZ Lottery Grants Board
• Holdsworth Charitable Trust
• Thomas George Macarthy Trust
• Pub Charity
• Southern Stars
• Enable NZ – Mana Whaikaha
• COGS Christchurch
• COGS Hamilton
• COGS Manukau
• COGS Manawatū/Horowhēnua
• COGS Otago
• COGS Whangārei
• COGS North Shore
• COGS Wellington
• COGS Southland
• Page Charitable Trust
