This week is National Volunteer Week in which we honour the collective energies and mana of all volunteers in Aotearoa.
They grow our people, open minds, open hearts and create joy. And no more so than during their essential contribution to communities during COVID 19.
Well before COVID 19 our volunteers were cherishing and caring for our people. During COVID 19 our country’s volunteers rallied to keep communities connected, to help them get well, stay well, and to answer the call to unite and be kind.
“The New Zealand Down syndrome Association wants to specifically thank all the volunteers who so generously support people with Down syndrome, and their families and whañau, to live their lives to their full potential,” says National Executive Zandra Vaccarino.
Volunteers have revealed through connecting that we all belong.
“And through generosity and ngākau nui, big heartedness, communities will be strong, be well, and be able to meet challenges and changes, both big and small,” says Zandra.
This week is National Volunteer Week 2020 until June 27 and this year’s theme is ‘Te Hua o te Mahi Tahi I or The benefit of working together’.
 Join us this National Volunteer Week to celebrate how our communities are stronger when working together.
#NVW2020 #mahitahi #teamwork #tautoko #support #whakamiha #appreciate #volunteers #thankyou #AotearoaOfKindness