My name is Vincenzo Vaccarino but most people call me Vinnie. I was born in South Africa but now I am a New Zealand citizen and I live in Palmerston North

I am excited that Rachel and I are on the cover of CHAT 21. Rachel Oemcke and I have dated for five years and now I have great news, we got engaged! I planned the proposal- a picnic in the Rose Garden and I asked my friends to sing a special song for Rachel. I was so excited when she said yes! Our engagement party was cool and we had lots of friends and family at the party. We all had lots of fun, lots of good food, lots of speeches, lots of talking and lots of dancing. My feet were very sore after the party.

I am very lucky to have a wonderful finance who is very beautiful, kind, clever, funny and a great sports star. She won a gold medal at the Special Olympics Winter World Games and she has also won medals for swimming when she competed in the games in Australia.

Last year, I did a hospitality course at UCOL which I liked especially serving customers at high tea and making mocktails. I still work at Bethany’s Restaurant and I’m also doing work experience at New World, Summerhill. I am also doing a weaving course at Te Wānanga O Aotearora University. Once a week I attend the weaving course.

I am so proud that I have Down syndrome and I want to tell more people about Down syndrome and our rights. I was upset after watching the programme “A World Without Down Syndrome” and I would like to tell people what I think and how I feel about the programme. Did you watch the programme what did you think?

Keep well my magazine friends I like reading your stories in the magazine.
