Interview with Peter Rees for Down Write Brilliant


Chat 21’s roving reporter Andrew Oswin interviewed Peter Rees, a young man with Down syndrome from Christchurch, about his job.

What is it you like doing at your job at Pomeroy’s?

Serving out the food and the drinks to the customers.


When did you start working at Pomeroy’s?

Ever since before the earthquakes.


Where is Pomeroy’s?

Pomeroy’s is located on the corner of Kilmore Street and Fitzgerald Avenue.


Why is it important for people with Down syndrome to get paid work?

It is very important because it is a major part of someone’s life.


How did you get the job at Pomeroy’s?

Well it’s a very funny story, actually. One day, Dad and I went to the pub and had a few drinks. But the beer that I had was very strong. It was called Epic Armageddon, and I got a bit drunk, and I walked up to the owner of the pub and I asked for a job and I got the job.