The NZDSA offers Numicon kits to loan to its members.
Numicon is a multi-sensory, structured maths programme.
If you would like to know more about Numicon the website is
- The NZDSA has 16 kits to loan to NZDSA members.
- These kits can be used at home or school.
- The loan period is from January/February to the end of November.
- The NZDSA does require you to pay a refundable bond of $60.00.
- The NZDSA will reimburse you the $60.00 bond if the kits are returned clean and complete.
- The only cost to you is the courier and handling fee which is $30.00 and the cost of returning the kit to the NZDSA.
If you would like to loan a kit please complete the form below and post or email to Rose te Kaat by Friday, 30 November 2021.
Post your details to:
- Linda te Kaat
- PO Box 4142
- Auckland
Or email them:
- Linda te Kaat
- [email protected]
Please provide:
- Name
- Address
- Phone
- Member of NZDSA (Yes/No)
- Age of child