Members of the NZDSA are invited to relive the best parts of the Virtual Down Syndrome Conference we hosted in October to celebrate the NZDSA 40th anniversary.

During the conference over 700 individuals and households joined one or more of the 22 events and presentations.

The 34 speakers hosted a staggering 2748 minutes of webinars, Q&A sessions and social gatherings.

Usually, organisations would charge large amounts to be part of such a comprehensive event, but the NZDSA decided to make the conference accessible as possible.

If you or your family enjoyed the conference and gained benefit from the information shared, we would like to ask you to show your appreciation by donating to the NZDSA.

As you can imagine, hosting the conference demanded significant resources from or staff, and we hope you will continue to support the NZDSA to enable us to host more events in the future.

If you missed the conference, the NZDSA has recorded some of the key webinars which are now available to view on our website.


The resources you find on the website are:

The Golden Years: Ageing and Down syndrome

An introduction to the needs of the older person with Down syndrome and how this may affect their health and wellbeing alongside the supports they may need.

Relationships – Theories and Practicalities

This session deals with a variety of issues that face everyone trying to create new relationships, but may be particularly challenging for someone with Down syndrome.

Supported Decision Making – a Human Right

This workshop will help participants to gain a greater understanding of the national and international legal context of Supported Decision Making, who may require decision making support, and the key principles and strategies for extending decision making support

Early literacy skills for children with Down syndrome – Families making a difference

Fiona will share tips for whānau, based on the latest research, about how whānau can set their child up for literacy success.