Early Days

Congratulations on the arrival of your little baby! Welcome to the Down syndrome community

Home 9 Support 9 Parents 9 Early Days (0 – 5 years)

Families never forget the moment they find out their baby has Down syndrome. They react in many ways and any way is OK. Most families go through a grief process but mixed with this are feelings of love and joy for their baby.  Expect emotions to fluctuate.  

Finding out that your baby has Down syndrome might be unexpected news. You may be wondering who your baby will take after, and what they will be like.

You may have lots of questions or you might just want to get to know your precious little bundle.  You may prefer to have lots of information from the start or to take it slowly and find things out as you go.

It’s ok we understand this journey is different for every parent and whānau member, but we also know that good connections can make a big difference for people with Down syndrome and their whānau.

If you want to talk to one of our support staff about any questions or concerns you might have, you can call us on 0800 693 724.

As well as the above option, we also have a resource pack that we’d love to send you as you begin your journey in our community.  To receive this, fill out the form below.


The support of friends and relatives is very important.   

They can help by: 

  • Just being there – sometimes people find the usual attentions expected after a new baby don’t happen when the baby is diagnosed with Down syndrome which can be upsetting;
  • Offering congratulations, cuddling the baby, and delivering gifts;
  • Helping with meals and other practical support;
  • Following the family’s lead and understanding that sometimes they need to talk about Down syndrome and sometimes they need to talk about something totally different;

When I told my friend she said, “I don’t know what to say” and that was the best thing she could have said.  I didn’t want her to know all the answers, I just wanted her to listen. 



Babies with Down syndrome benefit from Early Intervention.  Therapists (e.g. speech language therapists, physiotherapists, and early intervention teachers) and the family help the baby learn through play. 

  • Therapists help children to be fully included in an early childhood setting and help plan the transition to school. 
  • Families learn skills and exercises to help development. 
  • Sign language can assist children with Down syndrome to communicate. 
  • Be aware that milestones may take longer to achieve. 

At times my tears were unstoppable and appeared for no reason.  At the same time my new daughter gave me strength, joy and happiness. 

Couch Conversation Series

You’re also welcome to check out our couch conversations series of short videos, made with some of our NZDSA whānau.

These can give you a quick look at what life is like for people with Down syndrome in Aotearoa at different stages.

New Parent Pack

Complete the form below to recieve a new parent pack.

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