Whānau, Friends and Carers

Wider whānau and friends have a huge impact on the wellbeing and inclusion of people with Down syndrome
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The arrival of a baby with Down syndrome can have a significant impact on the parents, but also on their wider whānau and friends.

The way the child steps into its community heavily depends on the reaction and support from whānau and friends.

Parents of babies with Down syndrome will experience different levels of shock and grief when they first meet their baby and a warm welcome by family and friends can do wonders to help parents to look past the disability and see the little person.

Whānau and friends often find it hard to find the right words, especially at the beginning, so if you are concerned or want some advice, please reach out to your local NZDSA representatives, local support groups or the variety of Facebook groups in New Zealand.

Every new parent and every new child needs the support and the love of their whānau and friends and people with Down syndrome are no different.

As your child grows up it is important to see the person first, not the condition, and find out what their passions are.

Be their friend, walk alongside them, teach them and give them a helping hand, but only when required, until the person can develop their own skills.

This section will provide some generic information on Down syndrome and link you to stories about whānau, friends and siblings living with a person with Down syndrome. These will hopefully provide useful information and inspiration about what our people are able to achieve.

Resources and information for whānau, friends and carers

NZDSA Essence

NZDSA Essence

Employment – Kindred – Internship (Video)

Employment – Kindred – Internship (Video)

Employment – Downlights (Video)

Employment – Downlights (Video)

Employment – Abigail – WOOP (Video)

Employment – Abigail – WOOP (Video)

Employment – Gabrielle – Alvarium (Video)

Employment – Gabrielle – Alvarium (Video)

Employment – Spencer – Nandos (Video)

Employment – Spencer – Nandos (Video)

Employer Resource Kit (Video)

Employer Resource Kit (Video)

Down syndrome and Autism spectrum disorder (WEBINAR)

Down syndrome and Autism spectrum disorder (WEBINAR)

Strengthening my skill set (WEBINAR)

Strengthening my skill set (WEBINAR)

Coping with change (WEBINAR)

Coping with change (WEBINAR)

Mindfulness (WEBINAR)

Mindfulness (WEBINAR)

Music therapy at home (WEBINAR)

Music therapy at home (WEBINAR)

Wellbeing STRIVE and self-advocacy group (WEBINAR)

Wellbeing STRIVE and self-advocacy group (WEBINAR)

Strengthening ourselves through challenging times (WEBINAR)

Strengthening ourselves through challenging times (WEBINAR)

Lets talk attachment (WEBINAR)

Lets talk attachment (WEBINAR)

Managing your feelings (WEBINAR)

Managing your feelings (WEBINAR)

Career Plan Workbook

Career Plan Workbook

Relive the highlights of our Virtual Conference

Relive the highlights of our Virtual Conference

The Golden Years: Ageing and Down syndrome (WEBINAR)

The Golden Years: Ageing and Down syndrome (WEBINAR)

Relationships – Theories and Practicalities (WEBINAR)

Relationships – Theories and Practicalities (WEBINAR)

Supported Decision Making – a Human Right (WEBINAR)

Supported Decision Making – a Human Right (WEBINAR)

Golden Years resource invaluable for families with Down syndrome

Golden Years resource invaluable for families with Down syndrome

Watch Speech and Language seminar for terrific tips

Watch Speech and Language seminar for terrific tips

Money Game makes paying bills fun

Money Game makes paying bills fun

Down syndrome and autism

Down syndrome and autism

How to make better decisions

How to make better decisions

Home alone

Home alone

Power of attorney

Power of attorney

IHC launches exciting new digital friendship platform

IHC launches exciting new digital friendship platform

Where will we live in the future?

Where will we live in the future?

Guide to hearing aids

Guide to hearing aids

How to navigate accidents and emergency care

How to navigate accidents and emergency care

New resource fills void for health professionals

New resource fills void for health professionals

Otago Down Syndrome Association flying high

Otago Down Syndrome Association flying high

How to navigate the maze of benefits

Couch Conversations

Couch Conversations

Oral health major challenge for people with DS

Oral health major challenge for people with DS

 “We Decide” message from Down syndrome community

 “We Decide” message from Down syndrome community

UNDER ATTACK – Is the Down syndrome community under threat? 

UNDER ATTACK – Is the Down syndrome community under threat? 

OPINION – I wish I had Down syndrome

OPINION – I wish I had Down syndrome