The Golden Years: Ageing and Down syndrome (WEBINAR)
STEP UP A group of people with Down syndrome who have shown an interest in self-advocacy and want to work their way into the STRIVE team. Home 9 Search query for: pati Stand up loud Talk about Empowering People with Down syndrome to have Universal Participation...
Relationships – Theories and Practicalities (WEBINAR)
STEP UP A group of people with Down syndrome who have shown an interest in self-advocacy and want to work their way into the STRIVE team. Home 9 Search query for: pati Stand up loud Talk about Empowering People with Down syndrome to have Universal Participation...
Supported Decision Making – a Human Right (WEBINAR)
Everyone has the right to make decisions, and everyone has the right to access support to make those decisions. This workshop will help participants to gain a greater understanding of the national and international legal context of Supported Decision Making, who may...
Families urge to be at the heart of new Ministry for Disability
STEP UP A group of people with Down syndrome who have shown an interest in self-advocacy and want to work their way into the STRIVE team. Home 9 Search query for: pati Stand up loud Talk about Empowering People with Down syndrome to have Universal Participation...